Our Beliefs

There is one triune God

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Created by God, we are forgiven of our sins through faith in Jesus the Christ, and equipped with the Holy Spirit to serve God and build God's kingdom upon the earth. 

Rooted and Growing

in Faith

"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him. "

An essential part of our belief is that God desires to be in relationship with us. Through the Holy Spirit, God extends the invitation to all people to be reconciled to God through the salvation and forgiveness afforded to us only found through asking God to forgive us of our sins and making Jesus the Christ the savior and Lord of our lives. 

God's gift of salvation justifies us from our sin and represents a freedom from judgement and a freedom from our sinful nature.

For those accepting God's salvation, God works in our lives through the power of The Holy Spirit to increasingly sanctify us and help us to fight the grip of sin on our lives. As we seek to live out the Christian life, the Holy Spirit aids us to increasingly fall in love with God and our neighbor as we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our Foundation

Our Christian Roots

United Methodists are Christians who share in the Protestant faith rooted in the scriptures of The Holy Bible. The United Methodist Church shares basic affirmations in common with all Christian communities.

Our Wesleyan Heritage

The Methodist movement was founded in England by the priest and theologian John Wesley and his brother, composer, Charles Wesley. We emphasize Christian living and putting faith and love into action with a keen focus on God's love and grace. 

Reflecting on our Faith

Faith is the basic orientation and commitment of our whole being - a matter of heart and soul.

Foundational Documents

The Articles of Religion of The Methodist Church and the Confessions of Faith of The Evangelical United Brethren Church form a foundation of doctrine for United Methodists. Other documents help order the life we live together.

Foundational Documents